The Biological Research Society (BRS) is a social and representative body for academic staff and students within the School of Biotechnology and related institutes in Dublin City University. The BRS is comprised of an elected committee of postgraduate students that entrusted to represent its members year-round.

What We Do
Our ultimate goal is to promote and enhance the research and innovation of our members in DCU. We strive to nourish the intellectual and social needs of our members through a variety of events and activities throughout the year. We also aim establish links with biotechnology facilities and research institutes at home and abroad.
Our primary academic event each year is our Annual Research Day, a conference we run each year in DCU for our members. This event consists of poster and oral presentations, allowing researchers the chance to share their work with their peers, while interact with our commercial partners and sponsors. You can find out more about the Annual Research Day here. We also offer a social out let to our members with several socials activities run throughout the year such as our annual sports day and trip abroad.
Biological Research Society 13th Annual Research Day 2022
12th Annual Research Day 2021
BRS Eolas Award
Biological Research Society 13th Annual Research Day 2022